Nice one mate! Plenty of revenue growth in there. I think if you can find some winners here it’ll pay off in the long term given how sold off small/micro caps have been.

Non advice obvs. Who are you liking the most from that list?

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Thanks mate!

- I obviously like the ones I've published a deep dive for, with reasons highlighted in the deep dive: IkeGPS and Volpara.

- My upcoming deep dive on Alcidion explains why I think they have some good mid and long term potential, if they can navigate the next year without too much cash burn pressure.

- I think Dropsuite is impressive given the strong growth was organic and achieved on flat margins (no burn)

- Gentrack seems to be showing us it's hitting his strides and has potential for growth consistency.

Tbh, I think the majority of these are good businesses, with potential to be great. I'll keep monitoring closely, so we'll find out which ones make that leap.

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